'Interpretation of subgroup analyses', Cochrane Methods Support Unit web clinic, 13 October 2022

On 13 October 2022, Dr Marty Chaplin (CIDG Statistical Editor) presented on the interpretation of subgroup analyses. Each month, Cochrane’s Methods Support Unit invites Cochrane Review authors, editors and staff to a 60-minute web clinic to discuss their methodological questions during the production of Cochrane Protocols and Reviews.
The first half of the session is dedicated to a specific topic which has been requested by the audience or identified through the work of the Methods Support Unit. An invited speaker will present on the issue and there will be time for questions and discussion. In the second half of the session, audience members can discuss specific methodological questions they have about their Cochrane Protocols and Reviews (please submit these to the Methods Support Unit in advance here). Depending on the queries submitted, representatives from Cochrane’s Methods Group may be invited.
Previous web clinic recordings are available here.