High-impact reviews
- Eshun-Wilson I, Okwen MP, Richardson M, Bicanic T. Early versus delayed antiretroviral treatment in HIV-positive people with cryptococcal meningitis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018, Issue 7. Art. No.: CD009012.
- Awotiwon AA, Johnson S, Rutherford GW, Meintjes G, Eshun‐Wilson I. Primary antifungal prophylaxis for cryptococcal disease in HIV‐positive people. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018, Issue 8. Art. No.: CD004773.
- Eshun-Wilson I, Rohwer A, Hendricks L, Oliver S, Garner P (2019) Being HIV positive and staying on antiretroviral therapy in Africa: A qualitative systematic review and theoretical model. PLoS ONE 14(1): e0210408.
- Migone C, Ford N, Garner P, Eshun‐Wilson I. Updating guidance for preventing and treating cryptococcal disease: how evidence and decisions interface [Editorial]. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018, Issue 11. Art. No.: ED000130.
- Rapid initiation of antiretroviral therapy for people living with HIV. (New Cochrane review: Mateo‐Urdiales A, Johnson S, Smith R, Nachega JB, Eshun‐Wilson I; July 2019.
- Community‐level interventions for improving access to food in low‐ and middle‐income countries (new Cochrane review: Durao S, Visser ME, Ramokolo V, Oliveira JM, Schmidt B-M, Balakrishna Y, Brand A, Kristjansson E, Schoonees A, August 2020)
- Interventions for preventing postpartum constipation (updated Cochrane review: Turawa EB, Musekiwa A, Rohwer AC, August 2020)
- Reporting animal research: Explanation and elaboration for the ARRIVE guidelines 2.0 (PLoS Biology: Percie du Sert N , Ahluwalia A, Alam S, Avey MT, Baker M, Browne WJ, Clark A, Cuthill IC, Dirnagl U, Emerson M, Garner P, Holgate ST, Howells DW, Hurst V, Karp NA, Lazic SE, Lidster K, MacCallum C J, Macleod M, Pearl EJ, Petersen OH, Rawle F, Reynolds P, Rooney K, Sena ES, Shai D, Silberberg SD, Steckler T, Würbel H, July 2020)
- A mega-aggregation framework synthesis of the barriers and facilitators to linkage, adherence to ART and retention in care among people living with HIV (Syst Rev: Hendricks L, Eshun-Wilson I, Rohwer A)
- Impact of the diagnostic test Xpert MTB/RIF on patient outcomes for tuberculosis (new Cochrane review: Nathavitharana RR, Lederer P, Chaplin M, Bjerrum S, Steingart KR, Shah M, August 2021)
- Ivermectin treatment in humans for reducing malaria transmission (new Cochrane review: de Souza DK, Thomas R, Bradley J, Leyrat C, Boakye DA, Okebe J, June 2021)
- Point‐of‐care tests detecting HIV nucleic acids for diagnosis of HIV‐1 or HIV‐2 infection in infants and children aged 18 months or less (new Cochrane review: Ochodo EA, Guleid F, Deeks JJ, Mallett S, August 2021)
- Anthelmintics for people with neurocysticercosis (updated Cochrane review: Monk EJM, Abba K, Ranganathan LN, June 2021)
- Effects of community-based antiretroviral therapy initiation models on HIV treatment outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis (Eshun-Wilson I, Awotiwon AA, Germann A, Amankwaa SA, Ford N, Schwartz S, Baral S, Geng EH. PLoS Med, May 2021)
- Factors that influence parents and informal caregivers views and practices regarding routine childhood vaccination: a qualitative evidence synthesis (new Cochrane review: Cooper S, Schmidt B-M, Sambala EZ, Swartz A, Colvin CJ, Leon N, Wiysonge CS, October 2021)
- Low‐carbohydrate versus balanced‐carbohydrate diets for reducing weight and cardiovascular risk (new Cochrane review: Naude CE, Brand A, Schoonees A, Nguyen KA, Chaplin M, Volmink J, January 2022)
- Point‐of‐care viral load tests to detect high HIV viral load in people living with HIV/AIDS attending health facilities (new Cochrane review, Ochodo EA, Olwanda EElizabeth, Deeks JJ, Mallett S, March 2022)
- Effects of interventions for preventing road traffic crashes: an overview of systematic reviews (BMC Public Health: Fisa R, Musukuma M, Sampa M, Musonda P, Young T, March 2022)
- Accuracy of measures for antiretroviral adherence in people living with HIV (new Cochrane review: Smith R, Villanueva G, Probyn K, Sguassero Y, Ford N, Orrell C, Cohen K, Chaplin M, Leeflang MMG, Hine P, July 2022)
- Replacing salt with low‐sodium salt substitutes (LSSS) for cardiovascular health in adults, children and pregnant women (new Cochrane review: Brand A, Visser ME, Schoonees A, Naude CE, August 2022)
- House modifications for preventing malaria (updated Cochrane Review: Fox T, Furnival-Adams J, Chaplin M, Napier M, Olanga EA, October 2022)
- Topical repellents for malaria prevention (new Cochrane Review: Gabaldón Figueira JC, Wagah MG, Adipo LB, Wanjiku C, Maia MF, August 2023)
- Effectiveness of the BNT162b2 vaccine in preventing morbidity and mortality associated with COVID-19 in children aged 5 to 11 years: A systematic review and meta-analysis (PLOS Global Public Health: Ebrahim S, Blose N , Gloeck N, Hohlfeld A, Balakrishna Y, Muloiwa R, Gray A, Parrish A, Cohen K, Lancaster R, Kredo T, December 2023)
- A rapid overview of systematic reviews on the effects of palm oil intake compared with intake of other vegetable oils on mortality and cardiovascular health in children and adults. (World Health Organization, 2024).
- Menu labeling and portion size control to improve the out-of-home food environment: A scoping review (Cochrane Evidence Synthesis and Methods: Kathiresan Jeyashree K, Abdulkader R, Haridoss M, Govindaraju R, Brand A, Visser M, Gordon S, Tiwar Hi, Sumitha T et al, January 2024)
- Covid management guidelines India group The COVID guidelines India project: A rapid living evidence synthesis during a pandemic in a LMIC setting (Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health, July–August 2024)(Singh B, Alexander H, Tharyan P, Mathew J, Garner P, Rupali P, Ryan H, Covid management guidelines India group, Steering committee, Methodology committee, External Advisory Panel, Expert Working Group – Antiviral, Expert Working Group – Anti-inflammatory, Expert Working Group – Antibody, Expert Working Group -Anticoagulation, Expert Working Group -Respiratory support, Expert Working Group – Other supportive Therapy, Evidence Synthesis Team, Dissemination Team)
Methods papers
- Eshun-Wilson E, Jaffer S, Smith R, Johnson S, Hine P, Mateo A, Stephani A-M, Garner P. Maintaining relevance in HIV systematic reviews: an evaluation of Cochrane reviews. Systematic Reviews 2019 8:46. Syst Rev 8, 46 (2019)
- Variation in the observed effect of Xpert MTB/RIF testing for tuberculosis on mortality: a systematic review and analysis of trial design considerations. (Other peer reviewed systematic review: Ochodo EA, Kalema N, Schumacher S, Steingart K, Young T, Mallet S, Deeks J, Cobelens F, Bossuyt PM, Nicol MP, Cattamanchi A; January 2020)
- Enhancing Public Health Systematic Reviews with Diagram Visualization (Rohwer A, Taylor M, Ryan R, Garner P, Oliver S. American Journal of Public Health, June 2021)
- Testing for saturation in qualitative evidence syntheses: An update of HIV adherence in Africa (PLoS ONE: Rohwer A, Hendricks L, Oliver S, Garner P, October 2021)
- Should all pregnant women take calcium supplements in Nepal? GRADE evidence to policy assessment (Global Heath Action research paper: Pokhrel KN, Thapa S, Garner P, Caws M, Dhital R, Gurung SC, Fox T, Shrestha S, October 2022)
- Effects of policies or interventions that influence the school food environment on children’s health and non-health outcomes: a systematic review (Nutrition Reviews: Durão S, Wilkinson M, Davids EL, Gerritsen A, Kredo T, 30 May 2023)
- Signal of harm in morphine use in adults with acute pulmonary oedema: A rapid systematic review (South African Medical Journal: Hendrikse C, Ngah V, Kallon II, Thom G, LeongTD, Cohen K, McCaul M., August 2023)
- Exploring trial publication and research waste in COVID-19 randomised trials of hydroxychloroquine, corticosteroids, and vitamin D: a meta-epidemiological cohort study (BMC Medical Research Methodology: Fincham L, Hohlfeld A, Clarke M, Kredo T, McCaul M, January 2024)
- An evaluation of the recommendations for primary nutrition research addressing noncommunicable disease using the EPICOT+ framework: a cross-sectional descriptive meta-research study of Cochrane nutrition systematic reviews (Cochrane Evidence Synthesis and Methods: Ruzive S, Theunissen H, Durão S, Visser M, Naude C, March 2024)