Launch of the South African GRADE Network The South African GRADE Network was formally launched at the African Cochrane Indaba held in Cape Town in March 2019. 16 Oct 2019
Congratulations to MSc graduates in the READ-It Zambia team Congratulations to Mwiche Musukuma, Ronald Fisa, and Mutale Sampa on their MSc graduation. 30 Jul 2019
READ-It update on high impact reviews (May and June 2019) In May and June 2019, READ-It has published the following high-impact reviews. 30 Jul 2019
How Myanmar became an example to the world in the battle against malaria Dr Patricia Graves, Editor with Cochrane Infectious Diseases Group and a leading specialist on the transmission and control of malaria, contributed to the following article. 18 Jul 2019
Xpert Ultra test for diagnosing TB now included in Cochrane Review This Cochrane Review update is part of a suite of Cochrane Reviews that will inform an upcoming WHO meeting to update guidelines on these tests. 11 Jun 2019
Xpert Ultra test for diagnosing TB now included in Cochrane Review Tuberculosis (TB) causes more deaths globally than any other infectious disease and is a top 10 cause of death worldwide. Globally in 2017, of the estimated 10 million people with TB, 3.6 million were not reported to national TB programmes, many of whom were not being diagnosed with their disease. When it is detected early and effectively treated, TB is largely curable, but in 2017, around 1.6 million people died of tuberculosis, including 300,000 people living with HIV. 10 Jun 2019
Latest Cochrane review looks at MVA85A vaccine to enhance BCG for preventing tuberculosis In this Cochrane Review, the review authors summarise six studies related to the four randomised trials that evaluated the efficacy of the vaccine. 02 May 2019
Register for online participation in the forthcoming Qualitative Evidence Symposium 2019 From 9 to 11 October 2019, the first Symposium on using qualitative evidence to inform decisions in the SDG era will be held in Brasilia. 23 Apr 2019