20 Mar 2020 Diagnosing tuberculosis,Cochrane Special Collections Tuberculosis causes more deaths globally than any other infectious disease and is a top 10 cause of death worldwide.
12 Dec 2019 Shortened treatment regimens versus the standard regimen for drug‐sensitive pulmonary tuberculosis Evaluating the efficacy and safety of shortened treatment regimens versus the standard six‐month treatment regimen for individuals with drug‐sensitive pulmonary tuberculosis.
21 Oct 2019 Lateral flow urine lipoarabinomannan assay for detecting active tuberculosis in people living with HIV This review update asks the question, "does new evidence justify the use of LF‐LAM in a broader group of people?”, and is part of the WHO process for updating guidance on the use of LF‐LAM.
30 Sep 2019 Abdominal ultrasound for diagnosing abdominal tuberculosis or disseminated tuberculosis with abdominal involvement in HIV‐positive individuals To determine the diagnostic accuracy of abdominal ultrasound for detecting abdominal tuberculosis or disseminated tuberculosis with abdominal involvement in HIV‐positive individuals.