Cochrane 2.0: Closing the Global Health Equity Gap (Cochrane Lecture 2022)

Cochrane’s vision is for a world in which “decisions about health and care are informed by high-quality evidence.” As a trusted source of evidence, the organisation is making a substantial contribution to the realisation of this ideal. Yet, more can be done to extend Cochrane’s global reach, and enhance its relevance and impact worldwide. In this year’s Cochrane Lecture, Professor James "Jimmy" Volmink will call for the adoption of global health equity as a strategic priority for Cochrane, and explore ways this can be actioned through steps such as prioritising review topics, enabling participation and promoting diversity and inclusion.
Professor Volmink, the founding Director of the South African Cochrane Centre has a lifelong unwavering commitment to keep on 'banging the drum about inequality' to affect real change. Jimmy reflects on his personal and professional journey in this 'Recommended Dose' podcast.
Cochrane Lectures provide a forum for influential thinkers to deliver thought-provoking talks on the key challenges for the future Evidence-Based Medicine.
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Wednesday, 30 November 2022, 15:00 UTC [Check the time in your time zone] SIGN UP HERE
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